Apr 13, 2011

Culture SHOCK is the WORST.

Culture shock. Ever been through it before? It really is the worst. One minute I could be happy and the next minute something triggers the Nile River to flow from my eye balls. 
I know that eventually I will adjust. But when will the 'eventually' happen? After 6 months? After a year? After 2 years?  Maybe I am the only one who can determine that. I am the only one who can give it all up and surrender to God, to allow him to aid me through this time. It is a daily struggle to give up all that I have known and completely surrender. 
I have been reading the book of Matthew over the last few weeks. I think how hard it must have been for the disciples to leave everything and follow Christ.  
The disciples, not just the 12, literally dropped everything to follow Jesus. They left their homes, their families, their comfort. They left it all for the sake of following Christ. 
I wonder if they went through culture shock. Did different smells bother them? How about the different food? Did they allow the little things in life to bother them? Or were they so focused on Jesus that those little details weren't a bother? 
I am encouraged by the disciples. Even in their weakest God used them. I can only pray that God will use me in my weakest also.
I know that this time will pass. Daily I make the decision to stay on this journey with God. Daily I trust in him. Daily I fail. And daily I live in his unfailing grace.

Please pray for me. That the Spirit will guide me and give me strength. 

Love and Peace.


PS. Ronald is doing great! He is a wonderful, patient man. I am blessed to have such a great supporter. I love him. 


Unknown said...

I know what you're saying about the disciples, twin. It boggles my mind that they willingly and so readily would walk away from most likely their only strong options for making a living in order to follow the Christ. But that sounds a little like what you're doing...willingly and readily stepping out and following the Christ. Discipleship is never mastered, and the notion of becoming is a lifelong endeavor. You're probably going to get "through" culture shock the first day you move back to the states. Keep your eyes on the Christ, Twin.
Love you!

Greg and Kelsey said...

Greg and I have been reading through Deuteronomy and we are close to the end. Moses has delivered the Israelites to a new place (again) and they are facing the 'giants' who live in the promised land flowing with milk and honey. The good news: filipinos are not giants (to my knowledge). The sweet encouragement Moses leaves with the people: "Be strong and courageous!"

We are praying for you. Lots of love!

courtney said...

i am so proud of you sister! i thought i had culture shock moving to tn. definitely not the same ;)
i have faith that God will move you through this. and you make a really good point concerning the apostles. i never really thought about them in that way. but i am sure they did go through the same things.
i love you sister!