Sep 4, 2014

Jesan Center Garden

The evolution of the Jesan Center garden.

Before the garden began 
The beginning. The start of the compost pile.

This is how the garden started. Little bag with little plants.

This young man has work on this garden since the beginning. He has put so much hard work into making the garden great! 

This was also step one of the garden. Some of the Discipleship Friday boys made this little space.
We have since outgrown it.

Starting to produce actual vegetables! 

Step 2. Transfer what was in the bags to the ground. 

The kids worked hard and diligently to make sure all the plants from the bags
to the ground would survive. 

Keeping the garden area clean. 

Taking out the weeds. 

Some boys even worked in the rain to get things done! Here he is working on the fence that now
surrounds the garden. 

Cleaning out the weeks and making it a better area for the vegetables to thrive! 

Starting to grow! Okra. 

We also have a fish pond in the works. Prayerfully, we will be able to finish this project by the end of the year.

Proud of all his hard work! 
This is what the garden looks like today! 

Proud of all their hard work!

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