Aug 26, 2015

In case you missed it ...

In case you missed our most recent newsletter ... here is whats happening at the Jesan Center. 

Jesan Center 

Restoring lives. Giving hope.
God is continuing to do incredible things through the work at the Jesan Center! We, along with the Jesan Center staff feel honored and blessed to witness God restore the lives of so many broken people. These are times we hope to never forget.
In the last two months we have witnessed families reunited, heavy burdened souls lifted, young teens turn away from drugs, Gods incredible provision in times of hardship and generosity of complete strangers.
The work at the Jesan Center continues to bless an average of 50 children weekly. Breathing hope and joy into their dark lives is something the staff works so hard at. Some days are difficult -- like the day a young man came in with a weapon,  or the week we had no money to provide medical care for a sick child, or like the morning five young men were attacked; but more days are joyful -- like the afternoon a child asked what it means to follow Christ, or like the week two strangers brought us two sacks of rice, or the evening we were able to reunite a mother and son, and like the day one boy choose school instead of street. Through the Jesan Center lives are bring transformed and children are given hope.
It is our prayer that the Jesan Center will grow in the next four months. Hiring necessary staff to complete our non-profit registration (with the social work system) and allowing more children to attend our drop in program are just two ways we would like to see that growth. Would you please 
continue pray over this work? Would you pray for growth, strength and guidance? Would you pray for lives to continue to be transformed for Christ?
Thank you for you prayers for the Jesan Center and 818 Ministries. 

We have launched our new website! check it out

We celebrated our 3rd anniversary in June with the family of Jesan! 


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