Sep 9, 2014

Discipleship Friday

Every Friday children 16 and older come to the Jesan Center for our 'Discipleship Friday' program.
They help out around the center, maintain the garden, have bible studies, cook and sometimes even wash the JC vehicle. 
Our goal with this program is to get to know the kids better! We want to guide them to see their worth in Jesus Christ and to be in relationship with Him. Through the example of the whole JC team these young men and women have been making great changes in their lives! Some have started working on getting their GED, some have taken the garden as their own, they are growing to know Jesus, some have stopped the use of drugs, and one young man is even working on getting his drivers license (with the guidance of the JC) to be of more help. 
We are incredibly blessed to be working with such great kids! 
Would you prayerfully consider donating to this work? 
If is our goal by December 2015 to have a children's home in order to better serve these precious children.
Follow the paypal link or visit our go fund me page. 

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