Sorry folks for the lack of blogging recently! Here is my excuse:
I know, precious right!
Parenthood. Love it!
So. Blessed.
Our little family has been blessed beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
When we decided to adopt Elsie we had no clue how we were going to handle it financially. After all, we didn't have 9 months to prepare and save.
It has been incredible to witness the providing hand of our Lord! He has used family, friends and even strangers to provide all our needs and even some of our wants as we welcome Elsie Anne into our life.
THANK YOU to everyone who has allowed God to use you to provide for us as we transition into parenthood. We are feeling the LOVE.
There is no doubt in my mind that this little girl is going to do great things for the Kingdom, she is only 2 months old and she has already been a great witness of who the Lord is!