Dec 6, 2013

What do you want to be?

Remember when you were little and people asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up? 

A teacher. An astronaut. A farmer. A police officer. A mom. A dad. A carpenter. 

We recently asked our kids what they wanted to be. Here are some of their answers:

15 year old Clark wants to be a civil engineer 

13 year old Ariel wants to be a police officer 

9 year old Jerome wants to be on a SWAT team 

Some others include, teacher, vet, military, pilot, and nurse. 

 These are such attainable goals but sadly so, society's lies have robbed our kids of ever believing they can become more than a 'street' person. 

The Jesan Center recognizes that these dreams are very obtainable. We have hope that every child will grow up to be what they want to be, not what society deems them to be.
One child at a time, we are and will continue to make positive change.

Dec 3, 2013

Video Link

The Jesan Center has some great things happening! 

Check out our newest promotional video to see how you can be a part of the growth. 

Nov 12, 2013

Typhoon Relief

Hello Friends! 

With heavy hearts for our Filipino friends we write to inform you all about the situation in the Philippines. 
As many on you may already know the central area of the Philippines was hit badly by a category 5 hurricane last week. The devastation is unreal as thousands of people are now dead or displaced because of this horrific natural disaster. 
818 Ministry is now collecting monatary donations to help reach out to the displaced in our country. 
If you would like to donate money to the relief effort please send donations to our sponsoring church (information below). With the donations the 818 Ministry team will buy the necessary supplies to give to victims of the storm. We will buy basic necessities such as canned food, water, rice, tents, tarps, clothing and toiletries.  

Thank you for your concern and prayers as we endure through this difficult time.
Please continue to pray for all those effected. We ask that you would specifically pray for our drop-in center director, Nova as she still has not been able to contact most of her family in Tacloban. 

Here are some links to the latest news about the typhoon. 

With much love and thankfulness,
Ronald and Caidy 

S.14th St. church of Christ 
1506 South 14th St 
Leesburg, Florida 34748
Attn:Joe Richmond
Memo: Typhoon Relief 

Oct 21, 2013

Traveling Caidy

Caidy will be in the States for the whole month of November! Because she is pregnant she is limiting her travels to only Florida and Tennessee. In May she will return with Baby boy Quilaton and visit the NorthEast.
She looks forward to visiting with you all really soon :)

Here is her tentative schedule.

November 1st -  Arrive in the States 
November 3rd-  Presentation at the South 14th Street church of Christ, Leesburg, Florida (Morning Service) Ronald will be preaching via skype and after Caidy will be presenting about the Jesan Center work 
November 6th - Presentation at the Belleview church of Christ, Belleview, FL
November 8th - Travel to TN
November 10th - Presentation at the Central church of Christ, Nashville, TN (Evening Service)
November 13th - Presentation at the Clarksville Highway church of Christ, Joelton, TN 
November 29th -Travel back to Cebu, Philippines

Please let Caidy know via email or facebook if you would like to have her present at your church or if you would like to meet one on one. 

See you all soon! 

Sep 23, 2013

Where are all the guys at?!

At the Jesan Center we serve 15 kids a day three days a week. Of those kids, 13 are boys and 2 are girls. There are same days the girls never come. 
Serving these young men and ladies, we have our female cook, female director, one regular female volunteer and me (Caidy). Does anyone else see something wrong with this? 
We have only 2 male volunteers that come a few times a month, but we really need more male volunteers on a regular basis.

I don’t know about you all, but growing up I can remember a few older ladies who really influenced who I am today. I remember the soft gentle spirit of our preachers wife at the first church of Christ we ever stepped foot in. I remember the passion and fire our youth ministers wife had for Christ. I remember our schools secretary who would selflessly serve the community. I was taught independence from two of my aunts. I remember growing up thinking ‘I will never be like my mother but couldn’t be happier with how many of her traits I unknowingly developed. 
That’s all the good stuff that aided in who I am today.

I was also influenced in a bad way.
Drug addicted girl friends trying desperately to pull me into their ways. A woman at church teaching me its ok to talk down to others as long as it’s done with the right heart. The daily pressure, as a high school teenager, to conform and be ‘cool’. 

Thank God for the positive influences and good women I had in my life teaching me how to live a good life. I am blessed.

You see friends, I want these young men, who are so moldable right now, to be influenced in a positive way. Sure, us women who work with them weekly can make some positive influence but I think having males here would be a bigger impact! These boys need someone to talk with, someone who had been through similar things, someone who they can look up to. These boys deserve to have positive role models in their lives just like we did. 

So what is the problem? Why can’t we seem to get any males to come to our center and volunteer a few hours a week? Is it that females enjoy working this difficult job more? Are males afraid to get close in relationship with the street kids?  Is it just that they are working during our open times? Or is it simply because its their day off and they would rather go to the mall instead of spending some time building relationship with boys that desperately long for male attention? 

Our boys long to have guys to look up to. I can see in their faces every day they ask for Kuya that they crave positive male attention. 

So, if you are in Cebu, are a male, have free time tues-thur 930a-2p please consider coming and spending time with our boys. 

Jul 12, 2013

Real life is messy

Over the last several weeks we have dealt with some pretty heavy issues at the Jesan Center.
Without going into much detail here is a short list of some of the issues:


Our sweet 9-15 year old kids have witnessed, been a victim of, experienced or committed the above list. 

When we started this work about two years ago I just thought we would help get some kids fed and possibly into school. While those facts hold true, I failed to realize that when you invest in peoples/kids lives you invest in every part of their lives. You rejoice with them in the happy times. You mourn with them in the sad. You counsel them when things get hard. You love them when they do wrong. 
I was talking with a friend and he reminded me that without the Jesan Center a lot of these kids would be going through this messy thing called life alone. For that fact, I am thankful for this amazing and difficult journey God has put us on. 

We will press on. Even in the hard times. God is good. God will prevail. 

After this months events it is even more apparent that the Jesan Center needs to become a non-profit and open a children's home. This is a very expensive undertaking here in the Philippines and it will take all of us pulling together to make this a reality. 
With the opening of our children's home our precious kids will no longer suffer the harsh realities of street living; No longer witness murder, be victims of molestation and rape, no longer be tempted to steal and will have the proper care to ward of sickness. 

In order to make this vision a reality we need lots of prayers, money and help. 
Pray: Pray that God would continue to work in the Jesan Center and provide for all its needs
Money: We need a few thousand dollars in order to start this. 
Help: We need volunteers who can help us with all the legal stuff that comes with making a non-profit. We also need volunteers at the Center ... people who can help counsel the kids, people who can have fun with the kids, people who know the DSWD system here. 

Please consider partnering with us to make a positive difference in the lives of these children.

Love and Peace.  

May 25, 2013

Take a look at what's happening!

The new Jesan Center is perfect! 
We had come to terms with the fact that we were not going to find a new location and were going to stay put for another year. The old location was not ideal for growth but it seemed that that was the Lord's plan and who were we to judge that plan. HOWEVER,  just 2 days after I came to that conclusion and was at peace with the decision a friend told me about this place for rent. Ronald quickly checked it out and came home saying "it's perfect!" We signed a one year lease 3 days later. We. Are. Blessed. We. Are. Thankful. 

BIG yard for lots of FUN activities and holiday parties

Kitchen and bathroom area. A back door where the kids can wash and hang their clothes. 

BIG area where lots of meals and bible studies will take place.

Jesan Center office/storage room. Which quickly filled up with lots of donations! 

Jesan Center care taker room (with own bathroom). 

We have big plans for the upcoming year (July 2013-July 2014) at the Jesan Center! 
We are brining back the drop-in program! 
If you remember from this time last year, we tried to do this program at our old location, however, after only 1 month our neighbors made it known to us that they did not share in our excitement and we had to stop the program. 
We are very pleased to announce that we will be allowed to start the program again at the new location!  Opening on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10a-2p, fifteen kids ages 8-18 will be able to get away from the harsh realities of street life. Away from gang violence, trash, drugs and predators 818 Ministry will provide lunch, snacks, showers, clean clothing and tooth brushes for each child who comes through our doors. In addition to those basic necessities, games, bibles studies, and educational activities will also be offered. 
Not only are we brining back the drop-in program but we will also be putting two sweet boys in school!! We are happy to announce our partnership with Lilias Place school where the boys will get a GREAT private school education and be with students who are in similar situations in life, as many of the students also live in poverty. Lilia's Place is the perfect school for our kids and we couldn't be more excited for this partnership! If you can help with the cost of their schooling please let us know. 

Thank you for your support, prayers and LOVE as we continue work here in Cebu. 

Love and Peace.


Apr 16, 2013

a few #s for y'all

100 blog posts
799 days living in Cebu
642 days working with our kids on the streets
303 days that the Jesan Center has been open
50 plus kids have come through doors of Jesan Center
5,000 meals give in last 303 days 
200 clothes given away to children in the last 303 days
500 hours of tutorials 
7 kids in the tutorial program 
2 kids going to school next year sponsored by Jesan Center 

In the last 303 days of the Jesan Center being open we have been so blessed! We have met  many wonderful children and love each and everyone of them.

In the next year of the Jesan Center we would like to do more. Here are our June 2013-June2014 goals:

  • Start drop-in center for street children of the Country Mall area
  • Open drop-in center 3 days a week and provide dinner and snacks for each child 
  • Start obtaining our Non-Profit status 
  • Put 2 boys in school 

In our new year we will be putting the tutorial program on hold and are going to focus on the drop-in center. Although we LOVED the tutor program, and eagerly await its return, we sadly do not have the funds, time, means, resources or NGO status to continue the program at this time. We hope to start it up again after we are officially a Non-Profit. The purpose of the drop-in center is to allow the kids a safe place to spend the mornings and afternoons 3 days a week away from the harsh realities of street life. The kids will participate in activities such as crafts, educational games, movies, and bible studies. The Jesan Center will also provide a meal for each child during this time as well as snacks.

In order to have a successful program a few things need to happen first:

  • The Jesan Center needs to relocate to a larger facility by May 1st.
  • We need a few hundred dollars more a month in order to afford the higher rent and to provide for the meals and activities 
  • The Jesan Center needs people volunteers here in Cebu and State side. 

If you are interested in partnering with the Jesan Center and be apart of its success please contact Caidy or Ronald Quilaton.  

We love you all. Thank you for the prayers, words of encouragement and love. 

Our first day at the Jesan Center! The 3rd boy from the left will be attending school next year at Lilia's Place sponsored by the Jesan Center 

Week 2 at the Jesan Center! 

Week 3 at the Jesan Center! 

Sibling love! The girls and the younger boy were all in our program. The girls have since moved to an orphanage where they will attend school next school year and the younger boy will be going to school at Lilia's Place sponsored by the Jesan Center! 

Mar 1, 2013

Tiny Human and Thank You's

Sorry folks for the lack of blogging recently! Here is my excuse:

I know, precious right! 

Parenthood. Love it! 
So. Blessed. 

Our little family has been blessed beyond anything we could have ever imagined. 
When we decided to adopt Elsie we had no clue how we were going to handle it financially. After all, we didn't have 9 months to prepare and save. 
It has been incredible to witness the providing hand of our Lord! He has used family, friends and even strangers to provide all our needs and even some of our wants as we welcome Elsie Anne into our life.
 THANK YOU to everyone who has allowed God to use you to provide for us as we transition into parenthood. We are feeling the LOVE. 

There is no doubt in my mind that this little girl is going to do great things for the Kingdom, she is only 2 months old and she has already been a great witness of who the Lord is!  

Feb 8, 2013

2 years

Celebrating our 2 year anniversary of moving to Cebu!! 

In the last two years we have ....

lived in 2 different houses
traveled to 4 different islands 
worked with a great homeless family ministry 
opened a center for street children
worked with 40+ street children 
built amazing relationships and community
had 1 great weekend vacation
taught 16 classes at Cebu Bible College 
had 3 pretty awesome visitors from the States 
celebrated year 2 and year 3 of marriage 
been abundantly blessed by God through our generous supporters
welcomed our first child into the world

Of course a lot more has happened but those are just some highlights 

In the next year we hope to ...

send 4 of the Jesan Center kids to school
teach 3 more classes at CBC
be part of more community 
enjoy the wonders of watching a child grow 


Jan 2, 2013

Ronald writes

It is quite magnificent to experience life situations where God takes you out of your ordinary routine and lets you see His work, while at the same time not realizing that He is in fact working not only with the people you encounter but also with you.  This past weekend, I got to experience one of those as I went to a laid back and very welcoming place in Negros (an island west of Cebu).

I, along with three others, went to Negros to speak at an annual gathering of the Church of Christ youth.  After a long (about 8 hours drive and an hour on a boat) journey on Dec. 27th, we arrived at the humble but very accommodating home of one of the Cebu Bible College students whose family lives in the area.  They were very kind, offering us some very tasty meals (of course, “tasty” is a relative term) and giving us lodging throughout our entire stay.  In addition to the tasty meals, we also got to savor some of the stuff that only the province can provide—such as swimming and playing on a clean, fresh, and crystal clear creek, enjoying the fresh air, getting to see the moon and the stars clearly at night, and being able to hear again the sound of the crickets in the dark.

This marvelous experience was far from over as many of the youth gathered together at a resort on the 28th.  Although the rural area may seem to be struggling financially, the hearts of those young ones were beaming with passion and desire to become better disciples.  One could easily see that God was preparing a very bright future for them, intending to make them a brilliant light on that island.  The theme for their gathering was “Walking in God’s Light.”  Ironically, I sort of felt that there was no need for me to speak to them about becoming a light because I could see that they already were a brilliant light.  Nevertheless, they seemed to be encouraged with what I delivered.  During the gathering, they played a lot of games, did a number of team building activities, sang together, prayed for everyone, and encouraged their fellow Christians.

Going back to Cebu, I was mesmerized with the experience.  Throughout my Christian upbringing, I saw a lot of bickering and fighting concerning the “true doctrine” of the church.  I saw a lot of negativity among many of those whom people looked up to for spiritual guidance.  However on the contrary, the youth at Negros had displayed what those staunch brethren in the past had failed to learn—that is, encouraging one another instead of putting others down.  They lived out the true essence of Christianity.  This reminded me of what Jesus showed to the staunch Jewish leaders of His day.

As I mentioned above, God seemed to be working more on me than He was with those folks I delivered my message to.  Primarily, He was giving me a glimpse that darkness has not conquered every corner of this world because there are those who have set their brilliant light on a hill in order to shine God to others.  The young people at Negros have displayed a kind of light that draws others to God.  Also, God was teaching me that the near future doesn’t look as bad.  There are plenty of young sprouts who are willing to be used for God’s glory… and they are on fire.