Jan 5, 2012

A CBC Christmas

Ronald and I always have so much fun with the students at Cebu Bible College! The Christmas celebration was no exception. It was a fun filled afternoon of trivia, "secret-santa" gift exchange, gingerbread houses and dinner. We were so excited to share our tradition of gingerbread house making with these 20 young men. They had such a fun time putting their graham cracker walls up with homemade frosting and decorating with a dozen types of candy  ... even though tropical storm washi showed us her powerful rains and winds, the guys still maintained a positive attitude.
Here are some pictures from the fun afternoon:

The group. Waiting for the fun festivities to begin! 

All the secret santa presents. 

Ronald tells everyone an encouraging story

Silly faces. 

The CBC singers share some of their songs with us! They are a talented bunch. 

The construction begins! 

The supplies! 

Vincent's group is working really hard to get the walls to stay up. 

Me and Arlene. 

Paulo group was putting the finishing touches on their house before they begin eating it! 

Leo's group is finished! 

Complete with a snowman and "dust" instead of snow.

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