Dec 20, 2012

Community -- Caidy gets honest Part 2

A few months ago I wrote about how my transition to Cebu has been a rough one. You can read about that here.

With much joy I am please to announce God has been faithful and is daily bringing me to new communities! I guess I just needed to be honest with myself and with you all about how much I was truly struggling with it all. 
The power of confession is incredible. The power of genuine pray is even more incredible. 
I was down on my knees pleading with God, "If this is where you want me then you will have to send me a great community to be a part of because I am ready to leave!" 
Through this whole experience I have been reminded of how great our God is! He is faithful and will not give us more than we can bear. I gave it all to him; somehow I was able to let go of the pain and give it all to God ... and don't ask me how I did it because I haven't a clue. 
I somehow let God guide me to the community(s) He wanted me to be in. 
Since then, and I'm talking literally a week after that prayer, God has abundently blessed me (and Ronald) with multiple communities. 

Once a week I get together with these gwapa ladies. We share a meal and talk about all the awesome things God is doing in our lives! These ladies constantly encourage me to keep serving our incredible King! 

Ronald and I also get to spend time with these smiling faces once a week. This is a diverse group of people and we LOVE them! We are challenged, encouraged and loved by these people. So blessed to be part of this community. 

One time a month we get together with some other young couple friends! We share a meal together, catch up and talk about what has been going on in each others ministries. God is good and is doing great things through these people! (note: these are old pictures .. but these are the faces I am talking about) 

And, of course, the community of kids at the Jesan Center is always a blessing! The kids are a constant reminder of how we should be in Christ... just like children. 

I certainly can't forget these other faces who brighten my weeks! 

I dont have pictures of all the people God is blessing my life with but He sure is active in making certain I am blessed by community. 
Thank you all for your prayers! 

Love and Peace.

Dec 3, 2012


Work at the Jesan Center has gotten increasingly difficult. 

But we know that it’s only because of the good work that God is doing there! 

In late October when the Center was on a one week break,  three of the four kids we tutor were taken to a local orphanage by nuns that do a Bible study with all the kids once a week. 

Although we were sad to not have the girls with us at the Center any longer we are happy that they are now away from that dangers of street living. 

At the orphanage the girls are fed three meals a day and have a safe place to sleep. They will be put in school in June but until then they enjoy helping the "Madres" prepare meals and take care of the facilities.  We visit the girls once a month and they seem content being there. It is our prayer that God would continue to provide for and protect them. 

Since the girls left,  their little brother is the only one in the tutor program at the center. He is a bright little boy who has a lot of spunk! He craves one on one attention and is loving that he doesn't have to share his time with Ronald and me. 

In January we will be adding two new kids to the tutor program in hopes to end the cycle of poverty in their lives. 

Please pray with us as we go through these changes at the Jesan Center and as we continue to learn about the ministry God has so richly blessed us with. 

Love and Peace. 

Nov 14, 2012

best part of last week  ... 

Jayson loves his Kuya Ronald! 

side note: please take note of the all jean up in front... also kinda made my day. hehe.

Oct 14, 2012

Joy of teaching college

Do you believe in Jesus because of the resurrection?
Do you believe in the resurrection because of Jesus?

Both statements above may seem similar to many; but to some, they carry a subtle nuance that used to distinguish scholars (or those who consider themselves scholarly) concerning their leftists or rightist theological standpoint.  I’m talking about the Conservative-Liberal polarity of the early 20th century church.  It blows my mind how 20th century followers of Christ strongly flank to either side, claiming to be in the right, and malign ex-brethren when the leader Himself (and His disciples—the first church, of course) never considered this as a ground for excommunication.  This past Friday, I, along with my students in Church History II class, briefly revisited the sore wound that had left theological scars to many divided churches.

Before the class began, I divided the class into two, expecting a toasty but friendly debate in the succeeding however many minutes.  I instructed everybody to take a side on the issue and try to convince the others to join their camp.  The first statement claims to believe in Jesus because of the irrefutable proof of the resurrection; hence, since the resurrection happened, one can believe that whatever Jesus said (such as, that He is the Son of God) is true.  On the flip side however, if the resurrection did not happen, Jesus had not been the Messiah that would save us from our sins.  This is the stance of the Conservatives/Fundamentalists who absolutely defend the authority of the Scriptures.

The other side of the argument (Liberals) claims that one can believe in the resurrection because Jesus performed it.  Whether the resurrection happened or not, the Liberals would continue to believe in Jesus; their faith doesn’t depend on the accuracy of the resurrection.  They have their conviction as such because Jesus said so.  Moreover, the center of their theology lies in the ethics and morality that Jesus taught instead of His atoning sacrifice.

 As expected, the class got into a heated debate, using arguments that resound that of many famous (or infamous) scholars.  At the end of the class, we, just as many theological warriors, are also stumped.  It all boils down to: “I believe this because I choose to believe.”  Nobody wins; but everybody loses due to the consequent division.

 Many of you perhaps know the debate more than me.  Maybe you are well-versed with arguments for and against such positions (perhaps you can enlighten me with a private message); but my goal as a teacher is to open the minds of my students.  And seeing my students struggle with their faith in order that they may form it into their own (as opposed to a spoon-fed faith) is one of the many reasons why I like my job.


Sep 6, 2012

Shout out to the grandparents!

Grandparents, Shan-ma's, Papa's, Lola's and Lolo's are on my mind today. 

I believe that my grandparents had just as big a part of raising me as their children did. I am thankful for the positive influence they have had on my 25 years!

Here is a shout out to some of the BEST grandparents a girl could have...

Grandpa and Grandma 'A' 

I am privileged to be part of their family! 
Some things I have learned in the last 25 years from my Amaral grandparents:
Grandma was a strong woman and she taught me that woman can do anything! 
Tapioca pudding is not really as delicious as they might say. 
Dessert after dinner is always a must.
Grandpa taught me how to remove splinters.
Grandpa also taught me how to be stern yet fun.
I have learned the importance of keeping to my commitments.
Hard work always pays off.
Big band music is FUN! 
Labor day = delicious food and fun parades. 
Wake up early or you waste away the day.
Love everyone. 

Shan-ma and Papa 

My Linehan family is funny! I am sure blessed to be part their family! 
Papa taught me to laugh.
Shan-ma taught me all about chocolate! 
St.Patricks day is all about how much green you can put on.
Fish and chips with loads of vinegar is always a good idea.
Hard work and commitment are important.
Animal crackers should always be in the house! 
Christmas is spent best with family.
A 'Caidy day' is a good day. hehe.
AFV, wheel of fortune and jeopardy are some great shows.
Hugs and kisses (even when people don't want to be touched) are essential 
Love everyone.  

At 25 years old I am blessed to still have my Grandpa 'A' and my Shan-ma supporting me and loving me as I travel on this journey known as life! They are some of my biggest fans ... encouraging and loving me through every decision.

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma, Shan-ma and Papa for being some pretty great grandparents. You set the bar pretty high for Grambee and Pepere, but so far they are doing just as great as you all. 

How do you teach young teens the dangers of huffing chemicals when the only reason they started huffing in the first place is because of hunger?

Over the last year and a half I have learned quite a bit about this huffing rugby issue with the street children here in Cebu, particularly with the children we work with.

What I do know:
Most of the kids we work with started huffing because they were hungry
Huffing takes away the pains of hunger
Huffing takes the 'edge' off allowing the person to be able to bare the street life i.e. -- begging and sleeping on the streets
Huffing is a way to fit in with peers 
Huffing induces asthma 
Huffing causes sever lung, vocal cord, liver, heart and brain damage
Huffing can kill a person at anytime

What I do not know:
Why the kids continue to huff after their friend died because of it
When it turns from doing it because of hunger pains to doing it out of habit
Why they do it even when they eat 2-3 meals a day plus all the snacks they want 
I do know know what is it like to live in survival mode 

I get discouraged when I see kids we have been working with for over a year huffing and making poor decisions. But then again, I don't know what it's like to be in their position ... to be in survival mode, struggling to live on a daily basis.

My only hope, my only prayer is that these kids would see something more in life worth living for...that they would see Jesus in the people who ministry to them daily. It's my prayer and hope that they would grasp at the opportunities God puts in their path for a healthier more fruitful life.

It is also my prayer that I would handle situations as a servant of Christ, nothing more and nothing less.

Although I get discouraged about the huffing situation... there is much to be encouraged by in this work. 

For one, the kids have learned that they can trust Ronald and I! We have also learned to trust them! Relationship building takes time and after a year I am just now seeing that trust has formed.

Second, teaching children bible stories with practical application is the best! Just a few days ago I was reading the story of the good Samaritan and the kids understood that God wants us to love all people. When I was finished reading one little girl looked at me and said "like you!" I was overjoyed and can not quite put into words my happiness with her statement.

Third, what is not to love about working with kids all the time!? No matter their age, life situation, addictions, etc. they are still kids and they are still a joy to be with.

818 Ministry/Jesan Center is truly blessed to be working with these children.

Aug 20, 2012

Ahh oh.

After only 2 full months at the Jesan Center people in neighboring buildings have complained and want us to move locations.

Sadly, the 'wealthier' people can't seem to understand why we work with the children we work with and would rather the kids be somewhere else as not to bother them. 

Monday meals, bible studies, showers and clothing give away's will unfortunately be postponed until we can find a new location. Tutoring on Wednesday's, Friday's and Saturday's will continue as normal.  

We know that God has a great place picked out for us and we know that the place we have been in for 2 months was also chosen by God. There was a reason we were there and a reason why we will be moving. We would like to find a warehouse or building with a lot of outdoor space so that the kids can run around and play sports. We would also like to find a place that the kids can feel welcomed in and not be shunned and treated like stray animals.  

Please pray with us as we search for a new location. 


Jul 24, 2012

Thankful Tuesday.

Today I am thankful for

Monday night Bible studies
The encouragement of Paul in Philippians  
Paul's joy even when he was in chains
Honest friends 
facebook, email and text messaging
A mother who can fully relate to me
A loving GRACIOUS God 


Jun 30, 2012

Video posted!

check out what 818 Ministry did in 2011! 

We hope you all have a blessed day.


Jun 26, 2012

Got Books?

We are in need to books friends! Specific books. For classes at CBC. 
If you have any of the following books and would like to donate them to 818 Ministry/Cebu Bible College please let us know.

Thank you! 

CAUTION: there are over 100 books on this list, please don't spontaneously combust when reading. ;) 

Alland, Kurt—Synopsis of the Four Gospels English edition
Anderson, Lynn—They Smell Like Sheep vol. 2
Arnold, Bill and Choi, John—A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax
Bakke, Jeannette—Holy Invitations
Barth, Karl—Evangelical Theology: An Introduction
Birch, Bruce—Let Justice Roll Down
Blenkinsopp, Joseph—A History of Prophecy in Israel
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich—Life Together
Brueggemann, Walter—Praying the Psalms second edition
Brueggemann, Walter—The Prophetic Imagination second edition
Chittister, Joan—Wisdom Distilled From the Daily
Clapp, Rodney—A Peculiar People
Collins, Michael and Price, Matthew—The Story of Christianity 2000 Years of Faith
Cowan, Douglas and Bromley, David—Cults and New Religions
Enns, Peter—Inspiration and Incarnation
Fant, Clyde, Musser, Donald and Reddish, Mitchell—An Introduction to the Bible
Fleer, David and Bland, Dave—Preaching Mark’s Unsettling Messiah
Fleer, David and Bland, Dave—Preaching the Sermon on the Mount
Fleer, David and Siburt, Charles—Good Shepherds
Fleer, David and Siburt, Charles—Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Foster, Blowers, Dunnavant, and Williams—The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement
Fretheim, Terence—The Pentateuch
Frost, Michael and Hirsch, Alan—The Shaping of Things to Come
Gaustad, Edwin and Schmidt, Leigh—The Religious History of America
Goldingay, John—Old Testament Theology
Goodspeed, Edgar—The Apocrypha
Graves, Mike—The Sermon as Symphony
Green, Joel—New Testament Theology: The Theology of the Gospel of Luke
Grenz, Stanley and Bell, Roy—Betrayal of Trust
Grenz, Stanley and Olson, Roger—20th Century Theology
Grenz, Stanley—Theology for the Community of God
Grenz, Stanley—Created for Community
Guenther, Margaret—Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction
Hays, Richard—The Moral Vision of the New Testament
Hicks, John Mark—Anchors for the Soul
Hicks, John Mark—Come to the Table
Hicks, John Mark and Valentine, Bobby—Kingdom Come
Hicks, John Mark and Taylor, Greg—Down in the River to Pray
Highfield, Ron—Great is the Lord: Theology for the Praise of God
Hipps, Shane—The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture
Hoerth, Alfred—Archaeology and the Old Testament
Holladay, William—A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
Holloway, Gary and Foster, Douglas—Renewing God’s People: A Concise History of Churches of Christ
Holloway, Gary and Lavender, Earl—Living God’s Love
Holt, Bradley—Thirsty for God
House, Paul—Old Testament Survey
Jervell, Jacob—New Testament Theology: The Theology of the Acts of the Apostles
Johnson, Luke Timothy—Scripture and Discernment: Decision Making in the Church
Johnson, Luke Timothy—The Writings of the New Testament
Karkkainen, Veli-Matti—One With God: Salvation as Deification and Justification
Kelly, Matthew—Rediscover Catholicism
Kessler, Martin and Deurloo, Karel—A Commentary on Genesis
Kraybill, Donald—The Upside-Down Kingdom
Kysar, Robert—John, the Maverick Gospel
Ladd, George Eldon—A Theology of the New Testament
Laniak, Timothy—Shepherds After My Own Heart
Leman, Kevin and Pentak, William—The Way of the Shepherd
Lewis, C.S.—Mere Christianity
Lewis, C.S.—The Screwtape Letters
Lewis, C.S.—The Great Divorce
Lyle, Dorsett—The Essential C.S. Lewis
Long, Thomas—The Witness of Preaching
Love, Mark, Foster, Douglas, and Harris, Randall—Seeking a Lasting City
Machiavelli, Niccolo—The Prince
Malesic, Jonathan—Secret Faith in the Public Square
Mays, James—Preaching and Teaching the Psalms
McClendon, James Jr.—Ethics: Systematic Theology
McKim, Donald—Theological Turning Points
McKnight, Scot—A Community Called Atonement
McLaren, Brian—Finding Faith
McLaren, Brian—The Secret Message of Jesus
McNeal, Reggie—Missional Renaisance
Metzger, Bruce—Breaking the Code
Miles, Margaret—The Word Made Flesh: A History of Christian Thought
Miller, Calvin—The Singer Trilogy
Molloy, Michael—Experiencing the World’s Religion
Morris, Danny and Olsen, Charles—Discerning God’s Will Together
Nouwen, Henry—In the Name of Jesus
Peterson, Eugene—Answering God
Peterson, R. D.—A Concise History of Christianity 2nd edition
Practico, Gary and Van Pelt, Miles—Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Grammar
Practico, Gary and Van Pelt, Miles—Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Workbook
Roberts, Mark—Can We Trust the Gospels?
Sarna, Nahum—Understanding Genesis
Senior, Donald—The Gospel of Matthew
Shelly, Rubel and York, John—The Jesus Community
Smith, James K. A.—Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism?
Stein, Robert—Studying the Synoptic Gospels
Stone, Bryan—Evangelism After Christendom
Stringfellow, William—An Ethic for Christians and Other Aliens in a Strange Land
Strobel, Lee—The Case for Christ
Strobel, Lee—The Case for Creator
Strobel, Lee—The Case for Faith
Taylor, Barbara Brown—The Preaching Life
Taylor, Barbara Brown—Leaving Church
Tannehill, Robert—The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts vol. 2
Tenney, Merrill—New Testament Survey
Thompson, James—Pastoral Ministry According to Paul
Thompson, Marjorie—Soul Feast
Towner, Sibley--Genesis
Trenchard, Warren—Complete Vocabulary Guide to Greek New Testament
Trull, Joe and Carter, James—Ministerial Ethics
Turabian, Kate—A Manual for Writer of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations sixth edition
VanGemeren, Willem—Interpreting the Prophetic Word
Van Voorst, Robert—Readings in Christianity
Van Voorst, Robert—Anthology of World Scriptures
Voelz, James—Fundamental Greek Grammar second edition
Volf, Miroslav—Exclusion and Embrace
Wallace, Daniel—Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics
Willimon, William—Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry
Wright, Christopher—The Mission of God
Wright, N. T.—The New Testament and the People of God
Wright, N. T.—Surprised By Hope
Yancey, Philip—Disappointment With God
Yoder, John—The Politics of Jesus
United Bible Societies -- The greek new testament fourth revised edition

May 30, 2012

Children of God

There is a fun song in Cebuano that goes like this (translated into English):

You are a child of God
I am a child of God
We are children of God 

The chorus doesn't make sense in english ... but as you might gather its intent is to celebrate being a child of God
Dance dance a little,
Wave your hands
Shake your hips
Turn around a little 

I love hearing the kids sing and giggle as they sing this song and point to each other. 
Its a gentle reminder that we are all children of God... no matter your age, how long you have been a follower, your "status" in church, etc. We are all children of God, seen as the same through the eyes of our merciful Creator. 

May 6, 2012

Back to Cebu!

Im back!!

I am back in Cebu after a long, joyful, stressful, wonderful, trip to the USA. I spent 12 weeks traveling around much to the east coast visiting supporters, family, friends and churches telling them of the work God has blessed Ronald and me with.

I started in Lexington, KY. I meet with the Southside church and had a wonderful visit ... So much support and love was received from these people!

I wasn't able to get a picture this trip ... but these are the same people I visited with!
 My next stop was Nashville, TN. While I was in Nashville I visited with the Central church. Central is one of our biggest supports in many aspects. Ronald and I started attending there when we were just newly dating, nearly 7 years ago. We worked with the church right up until the year before we moved to Cebu. We love these people and are so blessed to have them apart of the 818 Ministry team.

Some of the ladies of Central.

 I also got to visit with some of my RA girls!! It was the BEST reunion!!! I love these girls.

RA reunion. 
 In Nashville I was able to catch up with some friends from college, and share with them about the work in Cebu. College friends are forever friends! love them all so much!
Friends from college
 I visited my old work place while in TN, Ezell-Harding. One of my old kids, Bryce, was excited to help with the ministry in Cebu. He made 20 duct tape wallets for our street kids! Thanks, Bryce!!
Me and Bryce

Of course I visited this beauty EVERY morning for 3 weeks!!! I wish we lived closer ... my niece, Kylee,  is possibly the cutest, funniest little girl I have EVER met!

Next stop ... Paduach, KY to visit with the Mosses and Lone Oak church. Ben and Steph are one of our favorite married couple friends and highly supportive and involved in our work in the PI.  Ben's parents, Mr and Mrs. Moss are also very involved with our work in Cebu. I loved visiting with them and hope that next time we are all together Ronald will join us as well! 

Eating a yummy dinner at Olive Garden with Ben and Steph in KY.

Before heading to Florida I made a trip to OH. While in Ohio I visited with 3 different churches. I stayed with Nellie Shelton (a native of the Philippines) and we enjoyed a nice relaxing few days together.
Nellie, me, the Zeiglers. These are members from the church in OH. Wonderful people! 

Nellie and I enjoyed watching the snow :) 

Half way through the trip I made it to sunny FLORIDA where I visited with my parents and a few more churches.
One sunday afternoon I made a special Filipino meal for our sponsor church.
Mom and Dad helped cook! It was a fun fun afternoon
PIT STOP in DC to visit the Philippines Embassy and apply for my visa. Thankfully cousin Bambi lives in DC and was super helpful in getting me around.

Cousin Bambi and I waiting for the bus. 


 Florida was a fun stop. Courtney, Shanley and Emily came down so we could all jog a half marathon together! It was fun. Tante also came to support us ... a fun filled Irish weekend. While I was in Florida I also got to visit the BINGO with Shan-ma. It was an interesting experience and I enjoyed spending some time with Shan-ma :)

Having some fun in mom's new convertible!!! 

just got done with the half marathon! 

at the bingo with shanma. 
 I wrapped up my time with a trip to the NorthEast. RI, CT, and PA were the last three stops. The NorthEast is where it all began for me. Had it not been for the Kershaw's and Warwick church, South County and TRCC .. I would be a completely different human. I look back on my childhood and I am so thankful for the people who have shaped me to be a disciple of Christ. Thank you friends and family in the North ... i LOVE you guys!

Chris and I stopped at TRCC (Camp Bethel) for a walk down memory lane. 

Of course we also went to Dunkin for donuts. 

I had my first train experience. It was fun! 

I visited with Kyle Anderson, his wife, Ashley and the church they work with.
Kyle and I are friends from church camp (TRCC). 

I had a wonderful opportunity to share 818 Ministry with my cousins school, West Bay Christian Academy.
Nicks class prays for the work in Cebu everyday. We are so thankful for this young group! 

Diane (my mom's BFF) stopped by the family party in RI. I love her! 

Some of my cousins! I was so happy to see them all at one time! It was great to share with the family
about 818 and the work Ronald and I are apart of. 

Tante!! Tante is a breath of fresh air ... helping me get around and taking care of all my scheduling needs.
Thanks for everything, Tante! 

Matt and Casey. Cousins. Love them and their hearts!! So much love and support pour out of them.
Thank you, guys :) 

818 Ministry has been abundantly blessed.

Our cup over flows!
