On New Years eve Dad thought it would be fun to try to go fishing. So we did. And we did exactly that, we fished for about 3 hours total. We caught NOTHING. It was very disappointing... but I am convinced that before we leave FL I am going to catch a BIG fish. For dinner that night Mom, Dad, Ronald and I went to the Olive Garden (which was extremely different from any OG I have ever been to before ... we sat in booths) had some GREAT food and
then preceded to go home where we ALL feel asleep before midnight. Yes, for the first time in 10 or 12 years, I didn't watch the ball drop ... and surprisingly I was WAY okay with it. Tradition is SO over rated. :)
To celebrate the first day of the year we helped Dad clean out the garage. Actually ... Dad helped Ronald and me go through all the stuff we brought from TN. We organized everything that needs to be sold, stored and shipped. It was a VERY productive first day.
Since then, Ronald has began crocheting a blanket ... its coming out GREAT. And, I have started to finish a few blankets that my grandmother started before she passed about 15 years ago. I have to say ... I am no Grandma 'A', but I do sew pretty well. :)

After 7 months of searching, God has answered our prayer and hope for a sponsoring church. We are blessed!! We will be traveling to KY in a few weeks to meet with the church in hopes to plan some details for our trip. Of course these last 7 months of searching have not been easy. Our faith, patience and perseverance have been tested beyond what I ever thought I (and we as a couple) could handle. Obviously, God knew better. He a different plan of action, that has been revealed to us at exactly the right time. And just so we are clear, His plan had nothing to do with what our plans were. After everything that has happened, we are excited to be going to the Philippines with a sponsor. :)
We are also going to RHODE ISLAND this weekend !!! They are predicting lots of SNOW! Woohoo!!! It will be nice to see a real snow again. We are happy to have this chance to spend time with our New England family. They are so welcoming and we always have such great visits.
Other than the above updates, we have been tying up loose ends and are closer and closer to finally leaving for the Philippines.
-I got my Florida drives license
- We paid some of my student loans
-And we have done lots of letter writing.
Each day that draws the Philippines closer, is another day that God gives me peace and contentment with the path He has set before us. I am confident that God will continue to guide me through this transition with flying colors! :)
SOoooo, I have told you what's going on in my/our life ... what's going on with you guys? How is God working in you this year?
If you don't want to leave a comment feel free to shoot us an email.
Love and Peace.
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