It is all happening so fast!
Lets start from the beginning.
After nearly seven long months of searching, God has blessed us with a GREAT church to partner with as we do work in the Pill-a-peens (as Roe would call it). Two days after we returned from Rhode Island we got back on a plane and headed for Lexington, KY, where we spent five days meeting with numerous people at our sponsoring church! We were welcomed with open arms; praying for us and giving enough encouragement to last a lifetime were among some of the many ways these strangers reached out to support us.
Side note: Epiphany-- Even as strangers, we share the common bond of Christ. Christ is what brought us together.
The second night we were in KY we met with the missions committee.We had an exceptional night of mission focused conversation. Sharing our love for God's people and missions, we talked about our work in the Philippines, as they also shared with us their involvement in international missions.
It's reassuring to know just how mission-minded this congregation is.
Group picture outside of the restaurant. The nice man
who took the picture decided not to steal the camera. I am forever grateful..
Ronald and I met the ministers and had a delicious meal with them. We loved getting to know these four, as they shared with us a little bit about themselves and the work they do at the church. They were eager to hear our plans for the Philippines, just as we were equally eager and excited to hear of the work going on in their community. We hope to meet with them again when we come for visits.
Home Fellowship! I promise that next time I take a
self-timer group picture that I will get EVERYONE in it! |
On Sunday we joined a home fellowship. We had a great time meeting this bunch! We were welcomed as if they had known us for 20 years. We also hope to visit with them again!
Some bullets from our trip:
- Selfless/kind people took us in and cared of us the entire week.
- Successful and productive in preparing for our move.
- Surprise of having to leave 30 days EARLIER than originally thought because of Ronald's visa.
- Four awesome new books. One awesome new movie.
- New friends that we already love.
So after a VERY successful week, we are pleased to announce that we are Philippines bound in t-minus 8 days!!!!
We are leaving February 7th .... at 5:50am. Watch out Philippines, here we come!
We ask that you all would continue to pray for us. For safe travels and for the relationships we leave behind in the USA. We also ask for your prayers for our financial situation. God is the continual provider, submitting to that fact, we chug forward! We are extremely grateful for the way God has blessed us over these last seven months, providing for us every step of the way.
If God has used you to bless us, THANK YOU! This work could not be possible without your help.
See you in the Philippines.
Love and Peace.