Dec 21, 2010

A new leaf

***DISCLAIMER: As many of you may know, I am having a REALLY hard time forming complete sentences these days .... so please bare with me as I try to get my thoughts/feeling down. Some things may not make sense but translate for yourself. :) ***

It's that time. Ronald and I begin a new journey today. Today we move to FL for the holidays ... there we will spend time with my family and tie up lose ends. In a few weeks we will be making that LONG trip to the other side of the WORLD ... all the way to the Philippines.

So many emotions are rushing through me right now. I didn't realize how hard it would be for me to say goodbye to my BFF's. God has blessed me over the last few years with GREAT friendships here in Nashville. I am sad to leave them, knowing that it might be years before I have friendships like that in the Philippines. However, God is good, and if He blessed me once I know He can bless me again.

I will never have friendships like the ones I have had here .... I will never have a friend who I tell anything to without fear of losing her. I will never have another number 1a. I will never had another friend with a loud high pitched laugh. I will never have another friend who can make a room of confident people feel SO uncomfortable with just a few words. I will never forget the memories made over the last 5 1/2 years, and I will always love and cherish the many friends I have made here in Nashville. You guys have been a great love and support to me ... encouraging me to follow Gods plan, no matter how difficult it would be to stay bye. I love you guys.

I know that God has new friends for me, just waiting for my arrival in Cebu. New friends to make new memories with. I am excited to see who God puts in my life and how these friendships form. I am excited to see how God will use me (and Ronald) to impact His people in the Philippines.

We are turning a new leaf today. Leaving behind what we know and are comfortable with to pursue the Lords plan for our lives.

I love you, Nashville.

Watch out Cebu ... here we come. ;)

Love and Peace.

Dec 9, 2010

Oh how divine.

As of 4:00 this morning Ronald submitted his very LAST college paper (yes, 4:oo AM ... )!!! He has worked so hard over the last 8 years and now it is all coming to an end. On December 18, 2010 Ronald will walk across the stage in Lipscomb University's Allen Arena and receive his Maters of Divinity degree. I couldn't be more proud of my husband. It's been a long journey ... many books read, papers written and class lectures. He made it through ... WITH FLYING COLORS!

And now begins a new journey ... teaching in the Philippines. WOOT WOOT. Bring it.

Dec 4, 2010

Peace, light & mercy

Coffee with egg nog creamer, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, and a quiet warm apartment. The calm, peacefulness before the moving storm hits.

We have less than 3 weeks to sell all our stuff and move. Crazy. This is actually happening. I can't believe it.... well I can, it's just that for so long we only talked about it and now it's happening. We are moving to the Philippines. WOOT WOOT! Watch out Philippines this wild New Englander is headed your way.

I have been overwhelmed at times, super anxious at times, and stressed most of the time. (Which I am sure all those words mean the same, but I like lists). However, after this mornings time with God, He calmed me right down.

"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God ... For God, who said 'Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" 2 Corinthians 4

God has brought us to this point. He will continue to lead us. It's "through God's mercy" we have 818 ministry. We are going to bring it to the Philippines and shine some light where there is much darkness, and God will be with us the whole time. Stress, all gone. Thank you, God.

If you remember all of that, then moving should be a breeze ... we are doing this for God glory ... thats the big picture.

Love & Peace.

Nov 29, 2010

Traveling Beast!

It seems the blogging is the best way to inform everyone of what is going, as far as the Philippines is concerned. SO ladies and gentleman for your reading pleasure, our travel plans for the next 11 weeks:

We will be moving out of Nashville on December 21st. Yes, you read that correct. In approximately 3 weeks we will be leaving what we have called home for the last 5-8 years.
Where will we be leaving to you ask? Sunny FLORIDA of course. There we will spend some much needed time with the family for Christmas and New Years.

We will then, at some point, make our way "up nort" to visit family in RI for a few days and then return to FL to spend our remaining time in the States with mom and dad amaral.

The BIG move will happen on February 1st. We will leave from Orlando, FL and travel about 27 hours to the other side of the world ... eventually landing in Cebu, Philippines ... our new home!!!

Please keep us in your prayers as we tread this new path.

ALSO ... In and effort to raise more funds, we will be having a moving sale on Sunday December 19th at 9am. Our apartment will be open for people to come and "shop". Spread the word :)

Love to all.


Nov 28, 2010

Change of plans again!

Well, what a journey God has taken us on! I am pleased to announce that Ronald and I will soon being our travels to the Philippines!!!!!!!!! God has blessed us beyond belief and we are now able to journey to the Philippines to share God's love and message with His people there.

Although we are still without a sponsoring congregation we have most of our funds to be able to take the move. We're trusting that God will continue to provide for us ... we are leaping out on faith .... God will bring us the funds needed and if He chooses, a sponsoring church.

This is so exciting.

Moving details to come :)

Nov 9, 2010

Dear family and friends,

We are saddened to announce the news that we could no longer continue our journey to the Philippines. We have tried our best and it seems that a different path is laid before us. Due to certain circumstances, we have decided to postpone our mission ministry in the Philippines at least in the meantime and refocus our service in other areas.

We are very thankful for all your love, support, and prayers knowing that you greatly encourage us not only during the process but also even until now as we redirect our efforts to other possibilities of ministry. We feel very privileged to know that we have a great support group that continues to cheer us on and encourages us in our endeavors. We wish and pray for many blessings on all of you knowing that you have blessed us so much. Also, we apologize for all the inconvenience we have made.


Ronald and Caidy

Oct 18, 2010

Letters and more letters.

Surly one of these 53 churches will want to sponsor us. right?
I guess only time will tell.

We have sent letters, talked to and met with many different churches over the last 5 months regarding the work in the Philippines that Ronald and I will be apart of. Only two have truly considered it. Unfortunately, those two are not able to sponsor us. We hope that by sending out these letters God will bring a sponsor to us.

Lets see how our Creator does His work.

Please pray with us.

-Caidy & Ronald

Oct 11, 2010

Back to square one.

Well, here we are back at square one. Unfortunately, Rural Hill will NOT be able to be our sponsor.

I am at a super loss for words. Satan just doesn't stop. But fortunately for us, God doesn't either. We know that Satan is just trying to stop us because God is going to use us for GREAT works in His kingdom ... We will NOT let satan win this.

But I can't help thinking that maybe this isn't what God wants for our lives right now. I guess we will see what happens in the next month or so.

We are looking for a sponsor ... again/still. If you guys know of a church that would like to sponsor us please let us know as soon as possible.


Oct 9, 2010

Smorgushboard -- Random

Finding a title is probably the hardest part of blogging ... the pressure of having an awesome title is very intimidating.


"He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations." Psalm 111:6

We are on an incredible journey.

We started to look for a sponsor in June. After several "no's", some non- responders and loss of hope, I stumbled upon this Psalm, which rekindled my desire to continue on the path...
But, I had still had it made it up in my mind that God didn't want us in the Philippines at this time and that we had to come up with a plan "b". I constantly prayed, "God, if you want us in the Philippines you need to open a very obvious door".... And oh what a door He opened...
A church heard that we were looking for a sponsor and they sought us out! They called Ronald, came over the next day and it was then when we all decided they would be our sponsors. So here we are, on this journey to the Philippines. Still doesn't feel real to me. I guess it wont be until we have plane tickets in hand ready to board.


"Caidy and Ronald, what is the difference between a sponsor and a supporter"

Well, let us tell you! :)

Our sponsor is Rural Hill church of Christ. The give us "X" amount a month and then we need to find the rest of our support from other churches/individuals. As our sponsor, Rural Hill will take care of all our finances. All our money (from our supporters) will be sent to them, they will then send us a check once a month, for "X" amount, from the funds we raised before leaving. Also as our sponsor they will hold us accountable to the funds we use. We will send them monthly reports on how the ministry is going and talk with them if we ever decide to start a new ministry.

Our supports are the churches/ individuals that send financial support to our sponsors. Without our supports we would not be able to do the work that we feel commissioned to do.

I hope this clarifies things for you all.

Much love and peace.


Oct 5, 2010

Church -- Caidy writes

I often imagine what church will look like in the Philippines. Being a different part of the world, church may look different .... right?


I recently visited a newly established church here in Nashville, being only 2 years old it has exploded in membership! It was so amazing to experience ones vision for Nashville actually coming to life through the power of the Holy Spirit. They have grown to three services, with each one being so full, people have to sit on the ground. The church here is thriving and growing and on FIRE to love God and His people! The preacher who had to vision for this church before it even started spent years in prayer and in the scriptures before actually putting the plan into motion, he sought out Gods will and allowed the Holy Spirit to work through him. It has been amazing to witness such an ordeal ... the Spirit is alive and at work in him .... working through him to bring people in Nashville to a deeper relationship with their creator. This church focuses on LOVING people, no matter what their past or present. This church knows that hope people can have in Jesus Christ and they share that hope with so many others on a daily basis. I was so very encouraged when I was able to experience this love and hope first hand last Sunday.

With all that said I see myself asking the questions ... what will the church be like in the Philippines? Will I allow the Holy Spirit to work through me to show others Christ's love? Will I be selfless enough to bring Christ to all people no matter what the circumstance?
Will I allow the power of the spirit into my life or will I shut it out like so many times before.

Knowing that I am going to a foreign country scares me, knowing that I am going their specifically to be a missionary scares me even more. God has called us and asked us, as christians to disciple people .... what a huge undertaking .... what a huge responsibility -- one that can only be taken on with the help of the Holy Spirit and direct guidance of Jesus Christ.


I hope this post makes some sort of sense.

Please feel free to leave your comments.

Love and Peace.

Oct 2, 2010

The First

Hello All!

I (Caidy) think that I have started to write this first post about ... 5 times. Does it even matter the formality of a blog? Does the content even matter? I have decided not.
I am afraid that these first few posts are probably going to be a little "rough around the edges". Having spent the last 5 years being graded on everything I write I am sad to say that my sense of "free write" has been taken away. Without a topic or a purpose to I find it VERY difficult to get my thoughts down and out. I hope that my passion to blog and talk about life will come back soon.


Let me start with a little introduction.

Caidy: born and raised in west greenwich, rhode island. Moved to TN to attend Lipscomb University in 2005. Majored in Bible:Children's Ministry ... LOVED IT. I graduated in May 2010!! I love early, crisp mornings with the birds chirping and wind blowing. One of my favorite things is seeing the Holy Spirit working in my life and the lives of people around me.

Ronald: born and raised in the Philippines. Moved to the USA in 2003 to attend Lipscomb University. Ronald's main intent on coming to the states was to learn and then go back to Cebu Bible College and teach. graduating undergrad with a BA:Bible, Biblical Languages, Ronald began pursuing his masters of divinity in 2006 and will graduate in 2010!! Ronald likes resting... in every meaning.

In the last 5 years we...

-got to know each other .. (I learned that if our relationship were to get serious I would have to decided to move to the Philippines with him or not)

-fell in love

-decided to get married

-got engaged

-got married

We are now...

-preparing to move to the Philippines as missionaries.